ICGJ 2024

International Conference on Game Jams, Hackathons and Game Creation Events

October 10-11, 2024 / Copenhagen, Denmark

We are delighted to announce the eighth annual International Conference on Game Jams, Hackathons, and Game Creation Events (ICGJ 2024). ICGJ is an interdisciplinary conference for researchers, educators, professionals, and event organizers across various fields related to game jams and hackathons. This one-day conference will be hosted at Aalborg University in Copenhagen, Denmark. Pre-conference activities will be on October 10, 2024. The proceedings will be published in the ACM Digital Library. Register today!

The previous ICGJ proceedings are available in the ACM Digital Library.

Important dates

June 19 June 28: Paper submission deadline

August 28: Acceptance notifications

September 25: Camera ready

October 10-11: pre-conference event and conference

All deadlines are at the Anywhere on Earth (AoE) UTC-12 time zone.

Sponsored by Global Game Jam, the parent organization of ICGJ