Important dates

June 19 June 28: Paper submission deadline (short and full papers, and event reports)

August 28: Acceptance notifications

September 25: Camera ready deadline

October 10:  Pre-conference event

October 11: Conference

All deadlines are at the Anywhere on Earth (AoE) UTC-12 time zone.

Keynote: From Living Rooms to Corporate Headquarters, And Back Again: lessons from hackathon culture

Let's have a party about making things! Wait, does that describe a game jam, a hackathon, or a quilting bee?  As a decades-long member of Silicon Valley's hackathon culture, I'll show you some patterns we saw of how social-making cultures rise and fall.  Let's examine how a single hackathon's culture can shift with success and demographics, and what we can learn from maker parties outside of our tech bubble.

Dr. Kate Compton (galaxykate) is a generative artist, inventor, programmer and teacher. She generated planets for Spore, made Tracery which ran 200,00 community-made bots on Twitter and invented the first phone-based AR. Her longtime personal mission is to bring small playful forms of AI to poets, artists, kids and weirdos.